Updates in CDS terminologies and PowerPlatform URLs

Updates in CDS terminologies and PowerPlatform URLs

In this article, I am going to point out a few of the changes in the PowerPlatform that happening since Nov 2020. So, we have got updates in CDS terminologies and PowerPlatform URLs. As Microsoft is putting all its effort in turning PowerPlatform as one of its flagship, we have seen many upgrades coming in last few years in an accelerated rate.

Check out the new PowerPlatform icons in articles below:

Updates in CDS terminologies

Common Data Service has for database management across PowerPlatform. Thus it enables you securely store and manage data that are used by business applications. When you use Standard and custom entities within Common Data Service, it provides a secure and cloud-based storage option for your data.

While that still continues to work, Microsoft has changed some of the core-terminologies that we have been using since the days of Dynamics 365. Microsoft has been overenthusiastic with regards to PowerPlatform, however, these changes are based on the feedback from users and it is intended to make the Platform more intuitive. So, this gives an end to using terms like Entities, Optionsets, Columns, PowerPlatform after being around for a long time.

Old TermsUpdated term
Entity, entitiesTable, tables
Field, fields
Attribute, attributes
Column, columns
Record, recordsRow, rows
Option set, multi select option sets
Picklist, picklists
Choice, choices
Two OptionsYes/No
Table 1: Terminology updates in Common Data Service

So, these are already started to reflect across the platform in all areas where previous terms were used, as seen below:

updates in CDS terminologies and PowerPlatform URLs.

I’m not a great fan of Microsoft changing terminologies, but I feel like these terms can help us connect with techies that works in other platform. In the general, Developers across other platforms use terms like tables, rows. columns more often that entity, fields so it can help in the transition for people across other platforms.

Change in PowerPlatform URLs

Also, Simon Mathews on PowerApps blog has made an announcement regarding the changes in the URLs in the PowerPlatform. For the moment, it will support redirection from the current path but eventually will depreciate.

Current pathNew path

In conclusion, Microsoft has been renaming products and terminologies like flow turning into PowerAutomate but at the end of the day, they are definately heading towards providing a great ways to build application.